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Fundraising & Volunteer Requirements & Registration

We appreciate our volunteers!

Every year WAHA families participate in fundraising and volunteer events that help support and contribute to the success of the organization. The funds raised during Chuck-A-Puck nights and WAHA fundraising events help offset registration fees for the upcoming year to help keep fees as low as possible and invest back into our organization towards ice rental fees, purchase of new equipment and uniforms. Thank you for contributing to the success of our organization.

First Register as a WAHA Volunteer

WAHA asks 1 person or 2 people from each family register as a WAHA Volunteer.

Every year, all volunteers are required to complete their SafeSport training, run a background check (good for 2 years) and register with WAHA as a Volunteer. Please follow the steps below to properly register.

STEP 1: Register with USA Hockey as a Volunteer and obtain your registration confirmation number. You will get a new number each year and the process takes 5 minutes. It's free to register as a Volunteer

STEP 2: Complete your SafeSport Certification. Every year, all coaches are required to renew and update their SafeSport Certification before stepping on the ice. First time you do this will take up to 3 hours. Any refresher courses are 20-30mins. Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time do this well in advance, there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

STEP 3:  Complete PNAHA  Background Check.  Screening is completed through PNAHA. Select WAHA when asked for district. Screenings are good for 2 years and if you are unable to submit a new report, it means you are good for this year and go to Step 4. To complete this process takes less than 5 minutes and is reimbursable. To receive a refund please email our WAHA Treasurer at with your receipt & mailing address to send your check. 

STEP 4: Every year, register on our website as a Volunteer so we can verify credentials.  Please use the USA Hockey number in Step 1 to complete this registration. Do not email or attach your SafeSport information. Process takes less than 5 minutes. Once you are registered, our SafeSport Representative/Registrar will verify your information to get you a badge. Please give them a week or two to verify information and contact our Program Administrator for any questions,

STEP 5: Read our Fundraising & Parent Volunteer Requirements  below on ways you can help our organization. 

Volunteer Registration Link

Register today!

Questions? Contact:

Lily Scott

Lily Scott

Program Coordinator


Fundraising & Volunteer Participation Requirement 

“Many hands make light work”…. and keep costs down.

We are fortunate to have the lowest fees in the state due to the fact that we are a volunteer organization. Parental volunteer support is critical to WAHA’s success!  Each family participating in fundraising and volunteering will keep registration costs low as possible. The WAHA Board of Directors has outlined the following parent participation requirements.


ALL FAMILIES are required to volunteer 7 hours of dedicated time to support the WAHA Association.

Each person over 18 years of age is required to complete the Volunteer Registration.

Each person over 18 years of age is required to complete the Safe Sport certification.

*Families may choose to opt out of 4 hours of their volunteer requirement by paying a $300 buyout fee per player.  This fee can be added during registration.

**Families that pay the buyout fee will still be required to volunteer 3 hours per player during the “Required Volunteer” events listed below.

***All families are required to do additional volunteer support during their player(s) home games – Timekeeper, scorekeeping, moving boards, locker room monitoring and more. Chat with your team manager(s) to help support your team(s).


During registration, families may choose to pay the $300 buyout fee per player. This buyout fee is only applicable for the hockey season you are registering for. This fee can be added during registration. The buyout fee will:

  • Exempt your family to volunteer at WAHA fundraiser(s).
  • Exempts your family to volunteer at your player(s) team’s Chuck-A-Puck night.
  • DOES NOT exempt your family to volunteer at “Required Events” listed below.
  • DOES NOT exempt your family to help support team fundraiser(s) and volunteer during home games.

How to obtain your volunteer hours (4 hours)


All families who did not pay the buyout fee will be required to volunteer 4 hours per player during the below WAHA events:

  • Chuck-a-Puck (CAP) night for your team(s)/level (2 hours)
    • Families will be required to stuff CAP bags for your player(s) team’s designated Wild Game.
    • Families will be required to sign up to sell or collect CAP funds your player(s) team’s designated Wild Game.
    • Families must pay for their ticket(s) to enter each CAP night Wild Game.
    • If your team does not attend or does not want to do their CAP night, then your team (all players on this team) will owe $2,000 to cover this fee regardless of paying the buyout fee.
    • Another team can volunteer to take any unattended CAP night to earn more fundraising money to cover tournaments for their team or reduce registration fees for the following season.
  • WAHA Fundraisers (2 hours)
    • Families will be required to sign up and volunteer during all WAHA fundraiser(s).
    • Families will help plan, coordinate, support, sell tickets, post social media, etc. during all WAHA fundraiser(s).
    • Fundraising committee will advise at a later date more fundraising details .

Required Volunteer Hours for all Families during Apple Cup (3 hours)

  • All families with a player registered to play in Apple Cup must sign up to do one or more of the following tasks: scorekeeping, run timeclock, move boards, locker room monitor or assist Team Manager during WAHA Apple Cup Tournament
  • Families with multiple players registered in different Apple Cups will be required to do 3 hours in each Apple Cup tournament their player is registered in.
  • Failure to sign up and do your volunteer hours will lead to your player(s) not being eligible to play during their Apple Cup tournament.


Required Volunteer Hours during Super Weekends or Sanctioned Games (3 hours)

  • All families with a player who is registered for a Super Weekend or Scheduled Sanctioned Game must sign up to do one or more of the following tasks: scorekeeping, run timeclock, move boards, locker room monitor or assist Team Manager
  • Families with multiple players registered in different Super Weekend or Scheduled Sanctioned Game will be required to do 3 hours in each Super Weekend or Scheduled Sanctioned Game their player is registered in.
  • Failure to sign up and do your volunteer hours will lead to your player(s) not being eligible to play for these games.


We encourage all teams to host fundraisers! Fundraisers are a great way to connect as a team and raise additional funds to offset tournaments or any other costs.

  • Start by working with your team manager to put together a fundraising plan.  This plan will include details on:
    • when the fundraiser will be hosted?
    • what team will it benefit?
    • where the fundraiser will be held?
    • Share any advertising needs through WAHA. (eg, Instagram or Facebook post)
  • Have your team manager email this plan to the fundraising committee for approval. Contact Lily Scott, Program Coordinator,
  • Once approved, run your team fundraiser. Everyone on your team must participate and help run fundraiser. Your team will be responsible for hosting, running and collecting all fees/funds during fundraiser.
  • Team Manager can hold on to the funds raised and work with your coach to offset any additional costs (eg Tournaments, Games, Team Bonding events, etc)